This club is designed for Saint Joan of Arc students in grades 5-8. The purpose of Prayer Club is to give students an opportunity to expand their prayer life among their peers in a way that is student-led and student-centered.
Prayer Club currently has 45 members and meets once every two weeks after school from 2:30-3:15pm in the PAR religion room.
Some of the activities in this club are:
- Praying a few decades of the Rosary
- Background discussion on the Mysteries and/or the Hail Mary
- A student-led Lectio Divina or gospel session
- Prayer Partners
- Praise and Worship music
- Silent Reflection time
- A whole-group discussion time with prompt questions like:
- Did anything come up for you while we were reflecting silently?
- What does having a relationship with Jesus mean to you?
- Do you ever talk to Jesus? Do you tell Him how you’re feeling?
Thanks to Mr. Moody and Mrs. Graves for sponsoring this club!