Prayer Club

This club is designed for Saint Joan of Arc students in grades 5-8. The purpose of Prayer Club is to give students an opportunity to expand their prayer life among their peers in a way that is student-led and student-centered.

Prayer Club currently has 45 members and meets once every two weeks after school from 2:30-3:15pm in the PAR religion room.

Some of the activities in this club are:

  • Praying a few decades of the Rosary
  • Background discussion on the Mysteries and/or the Hail Mary
  • A student-led Lectio Divina or gospel session
  • Prayer Partners
  • Praise and Worship music
  • Silent Reflection time
  • A whole-group discussion time with prompt questions like:
    1. Did anything come up for you while we were reflecting silently?
    2. What does having a relationship with Jesus mean to you?
    3. Do you ever talk to Jesus? Do you tell Him how you’re feeling?

Thanks to Mr. Moody and Mrs. Graves for sponsoring this club!