Junior High Mathematics

“Life is a math equation, in order to gain the most, you have to know how to convert the negatives into positives.”

Algebra 1

The content of Algebra 1 is organized around families of functions, with special emphasis on linear and quadratic functions. As students learn about each family of functions, they will learn to represent them in multiple ways- as verbal descriptions, equations, tables, and graphs. They will also learn to model real-world situations using functions in order to solve problems arising from those situations.

In addition to its algebra content, Algebra 1 includes lessons on probability and data analysis as well as numerous examples and exercises involving geometry.


Glencoe Math Accelerated focuses on four critical areas:

  • adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing rational numbers

  • analyzing proportional relationships and using expressions and equations

  • using sampling to draw inferences about a population

  • solving problems involving angle measure, area, surface area, and volume.

It is designed to prepare each student for their learning journey into algebra and beyond.

Glencoe Math Course 1

Focus, coherence, and rigor are the driving forces behind Glencoe Math. Every lesson, activity, assessment, and resource is designed to build the students’ mathematical understanding and connect learning to the Standards for Mathematical Practice.

The critical areas include:

  • Focus-Glencoe Math is built in a way that covers everything students need to succeed.

  • Coherence-Glencoe Math builds on knowledge gained in previous lessons and grades, guiding students through each concept with thoughtful progressions, while making connections that are natural extensions of what students have already learned.

  • Rigor-The three components of rigor, conceptual understanding, application, and procedural skill and fluency, are woven throughout Glencoe Math in equal intensity which allows students to progress toward a higher level of achievement.

Simple Solutions

The Simple Solutions Approach is a strategy that combines instruction with distributed practice and meaningful assessment. They strategy is based on the belief that students will retain what they have learned when they are required to revisit concepts and practice skills on a daily basis. This consistent review allows students to not only master math skills and concepts, but to retain their learning for a lifetime. As students practice math skills and concepts at their comfort level, their self-confidence grows, and they enjoy math more.

As part of the Simple Solutions Approach, students complete on lesson per day, four days per week. Students self-check their Simple Solution lessons. They mark any items that were difficult or done incorrectly, and they receive immediate and meaningful feedback by going over these items with the teacher in class. On Friday, or the fifth day in the sequence, students take a quiz that covers material addressed during the previous four days.

IXL Learning

IXL Learning is an online program where students can gain fluency and confidence with essential math skills through fun and interactive questions and built-in support.

IXL Learning engages students in an authentic way, encouraging them to own their learning, embrace new challenges, and build skills and confidence that last.

The program offers personalized skills recommendations based on what each student has been practicing and what they are ready to learn next. With thousands of skills that match what we’re learning, as well as insights into student progress, IXL is a great resource to help your child excel.