The mission of St. Joan of Arc School is to provide students a firm foundation in the Catholic faith, thereby creating the opportunity and the means to achieve academic excellence.
St. Joan of Arc parish is deeply committed to Catholic education and the ministry of leading our students to become strong and responsible individuals, capable of making Christ-centered choices willingly. Therefore, St. Joan of Arc Catholic School prepares students to meet future challenges by fostering deep spiritual development and promoting academic success, based on individual abilities.
As catechists, teachers give witness to Christ, the Master Teacher, by their lives as well as their teaching. St. Joan of Arc educators commit to growing in their relationship with God and incorporating the Gospel in their professional and personal lives. Holding Jesus as a Model, the staff is committed to the development of Catholic values in our students.
Recognizing and respecting the role of parents as the primary educators of their children, the teachers assist parents with the Catholic faith formation of the family. Teachers, parents and administrators work as partners to form an ongoing relationship with God that is rooted in Gospel values.
St. Joan of Arc Catholic School staff is committed to:
Educate the whole child, blending learning with faith, to provide for the total development of each student in their spiritual, moral, intellectual, social, emotional and physical growth.
Teach the Gospel and church doctrine, celebrate through worship, and serve others.
Instill in our students a lifelong commitment to Catholic values and an awareness of their social and moral responsibility to respond to the needs of parish, local, and global communities.
Work in partnership with the St. Joan of Arc parish to fortify the Catholic Identity of our school community.
Celebrate the uniqueness and dignity of all persons through an appreciation of cultural diversity in our students.
Our Parents’ Commitment to Catholic Education
The religious education of children is a parental responsibility – one that you have chosen to share with the staff of St. Joan of Arc School. Christian values and beliefs learned in the home will be reinforced in school.
We expect parents to participate actively in the faith life of their family.
We expect parents to support the school and teachers in discussions with their children.
We expect parents to support the school and teachers in planning of school activities and events.
We expect parents to be accepting of the discipline code of the school that is a necessary part of character development and social growth.
Our students are taught that regular participation in Liturgy is essential to their life as Catholic Christians. Parents, then, are expected to celebrate Mass each weekend with their children.
Our students are taught that daily prayer is an important part of each person’s life. Parents, then, are expected to be role models who join their children in family prayer.
We expect parents to make a commitment to provide an environment within their home that will support our efforts to nurture their child’s growth as a committed Catholic Christian.
Our Students’ Commitment to Catholic Education
The ultimate reason for St. Joan of Arc School is the religious development of each child. We believe this involves instruction, modeling, reception of the Sacraments and prayer (both personal and communal), community building activities and service — global as well as local.